Practice Area: International Assurance
- Trace procedures from the transaction’s origin through its initial recording to final disposition in the accounts.
- Review accounts receivable for collectability; evaluate the adequacy of provision for loss.
- Trace inventory items observed at the initial count to the final inventory record.
- Search for unrecorded liabilities by examining unpaid bills, accounts payable, and disbursements subsequent to the balance-sheet date.
- Obtain signed inventory and liability certificates from the client.
- Reconcile intercompany payables and receivables.
- Index audit working paper files.
- Review internal control.
- Prepare charts of accounts.
- Check the control over accounts written off.
- Investigate the possibility of unrecorded revenues.
- Classify accounts for financial statement presentation.
- Supervise the observation of a large inventory count.
- Determine whether inventory items are obsolete or slow-moving.
- Review the basis of inventory valuation.
- Evaluate the propriety of the depreciation methods and lives used.
- Inspect the securities owned, verify their cost and present values, and review the form in which the title is held.
- Determine possible contingent liabilities by corresponding with attorneys, examining minutes, and making inquiries to clients.
- Verify purchases and sales cutoffs.
- Determine the extent of test checking required in an audit and select the period to be tested.
- Write comments for management letters.
- Review entries subsequent to balance-sheet data to determine the need for disclosures.
- Obtain and write up other disclosure data such as leases, and differences between tax and accrual reporting.
- Review and update the client’s permanent file.
- Draft reports including footnotes.
- Prepare audit programs.
- Supervise and train assistants.
- Prepare routine correspondence to the client for the approval and signature of a partner, manager or assistant manager.
- Prepare budgets.
- Design forms.
- Install accounting systems.
Qualifications: CA/ACCA/MBA
Skills: Team Player, Ability to work under pressure. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Experience: 1-3 years